Around the world in 10 aphrodisiac foods

Around the world in 10 aphrodisiac foods

What do oysters, cobra blood, chocolate, and ginger all have in common? They’re all on Musement’s list of natural aphrodisiac foods to make this Valentine’s Day a hit.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and at Musement, we want to help you make this a memorable evening! Here’s a list of aphrodisiac foods and beverages that’ll help you finish the evening with fireworks!

1. Oysters

It’s often one of the first foods to come to mind when speaking of aphrodisiacs. It’s said that Casanova consumed them daily so that he can always be in top form for his countless conquests. Oysters are indeed rich in zinc, which stimulates testosterone production in men.

2. Ambergris

Not a bad name for… sperm whale bile secretions! Ambergris is a concretion produced in the intestines of sperm whales. They release a waxy substance into the ocean, where it can float for decades or even centuries before humans recover it or it washes ashore. Ambergris is in some ways like the gold of the ocean! Rare, mysterious, extremely precious and expensive, it’s been used by the Chinese since ancient times as a powerful aphrodisiac. Moroccans capitalize on its aphrodisiacal qualities by preparing tea with it. If you travel to Marrakech, you could easily find this at any herbal specialist’s shop.

3. Fugu

If you have a taste for risk and are traveling to Japan, you’ll surely be tempted to try fugu, the famous, potentially deadly fish prized by the Japanese. However, it is also an aphrodisiac. Would you have the courage to find out for yourself when you’re in Tokyo?

4. Merle cucumber

Sea cucumber (“Holothuroidea” for scientists) is a scientifically recognized sexual stimulant. Its aphrodisiac virtues and effectiveness at addressing erectile dysfunction were made public by the Bogor Faculty of Ocean Sciences in Indonesia after a series of studies. Much less dangerous to human health than Viagra, it doesn’t seem to present any adverse side effects.

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Terwijl je zou denken dat hij de aandacht amper waard is omdat hij meestal maar wat op de bodem lijkt te liggen, kan de zeekomkommer onverwacht gedrag vertonen. Als de tijd van voortplanting daar is, richt hij zich op vanuit zijn uitgestrekte positie en spuit hij zijn zaad het open water in. Het duidelijk zichtbare witte wolkje sperma bevrucht daarna eitjes die inmiddels ook zijn vrijgekomen in het water. Een nieuw leven kan beginnen. De larven leven eerst in het vrije water alvorens op de bodem terecht te komen en in het klein de vorm van de volwassen zeekomkommers aan te nemen. Wanneer je dit ziet merk je dat de zeekomkommer toch niet zo saai is als je zou denken. De zeekomkommer behoort evenals zeesterren en zee-egels tot de stekelhuidigen. Kenmerkend voor deze soorten is de vijfzijdige radiale symmetrie, alhoewel dit bij de zeekomkommer wat minder duidelijk zichtbaar is. De soorten die je het meeste tegenkomt in de Middellandse Zee zijn de zwarte zeekomkommer, de veel voorkomende bruine zeekomkommer (holothuria stellati), en de holle zeekomkommer (holothuria tubulosa). De eerste soort, de zwarte, heeft een gele buik en witte stekeltjes. De bruine soort lijkt op de zwarte maar is bruin van kleur met donkere stekeltjes. De holle zeekomkommer is roodbruin tot paarsachtig van kleur en kom je vaak tegen tussen de algen en in het neptunusgras. Maar ook de holothuria polii en de holothuria sanctori tref je met regelmaat aan. Onderscheid maken tussen de verschillende soorten is niet eenvoudig. Voor identificatie moet je onder meer letten op de kleur van de buik, de vorm van de stekeltjes en hoe het dier aanvoelt, zacht of juist hard. Alle soorten hebben pootjes op de buik, in lange rijen, waarmee ze zich kunnen verplaatsen. In tegenstelling tot bij zeesterren hebben de voetjes van de zeekomkommer geen zuignapjes. #holothurie #zeekomkommer #onderwaterleven #onderwaterfotografie #underwaterphotography #mediterranee #portcros #parcnationaldeportcros #scubadiving #diving #duiken #plongee #padi #underwaterbiology

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5. Cobra Blood

According to the Vietnamese, the best aphrodisiac in the world is cobra blood! The more venomous the snake, the more you’re sure to impress in the bedroom. If you’re lucky (and brave), you may dare to taste the cobra’s still-beating heart. If you’re in search of snakes, we advise you to go to the village of Lệ Mật, located four miles north of Hanoi, renowned for its snake hunters and farmers.

6. Asparagus

For vegetarians and vegans–or simply the less courageous–it’s gratifying to know that not all natural aphrodisiacs are necessarily animal-based, hard to find, dangerous or sensational. Asparagus, for example, has an unexpectedly aphrodisiac power, as it is rich in libido-boosting vitamins. Ask your local grocer what he or she thinks.

7. Chocolate

Chocolate is surely the preferred aphrodisiac around the globe! Often gifted on Valentine’s Day, it’s known to release endorphins, the famous pleasure hormones, and increase libido, especially in women. Chocolate is very interesting food for successful preliminary intercourse, consumed either traditionally or during sensual and erotic games.

8. Ginger

Increasingly consumed in Western countries, ginger is already known for its effectiveness in boosting the immune system…which is not negligible if you intend to succeed at certain private acts. Another beneficial effect of ginger is its stimulation of blood circulation, thus facilitating erections.

9. Ginseng

Like ginger, ginseng is an equally excellent source of energy. A treasure trove of vitality, it helps fight against tiredness and improve physical performance. In addition, its aphrodisiac abilities are known to awaken desire and fight impotence.

10. Avocado

This super fruit has become particularly popular over the last couple of decades, ubiquitous on Instagram and trendy brunch menus. Its undeniable nutritional qualities are particularly appreciated by those who pay attention to what they eat or wish to enhance their bedroom performance.

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