World-class cultural gems, elaborate Islamic architecture, adrenaline-packed entertainment, and year-round sunshine? Move over Dubai, Abu Dhabi’s mix of old and new is quietly stealing the show. The UAE’s capital has …
From a camel burger to an Indian samboosa, Musement takes a look at 13 foods to eat in Dubai. The Dubai Food Festival kicks off on February 26, launching 18 …
If running is more than a New Year’s resolution to you, perhaps 2020 will be the year you take it to the streets in marathons around the world. Here are …
Musement shares some ideas for celebrating UAE National Day. When compared to the rest of the world, the UAE is still rather young, having only been established on December 2, …
Musement gives you an overview of 10 of the world’s best airports and gives you some tips on how to spend your time there. Holidays do not start when you …