Around the world in 14 delightful pancakes

Around the world in 14 delightful pancakes

In honor of World Pancake Day, here are 14 dreamily delicious pancakes from around the world.

Whether for a snack, appetizer, meal or dessert, there’s a pancake for every occasion. With World Pancake Day, which always falls on the Tuesday before Lent, approaching, you might want to think about taking out that frying pan, Googling some recipes and getting creative in the kitchen. Or maybe you just want to keep an eye out for these on your travels? Regardless, almost every nation around the world has its own sweet or savory riff on this tasty treat. From Belarus to Brazil and Japan to Sudan, here are fourteen different yet equally delicious
pancakes from around the world for you to try!

1. Crêpes – France

Arguably the most famous type of pancake, the French crêpe can now be found in almost every corner of the globe. A popular dessert or street food, the thin large pancakes are cooked to perfection before being folded over a sumptuous savory or sweet filling.

2. Okonomiyaki – Japan

Said to have originated in Osaka, okonomiyaki is a savory pancake that somewhat peculiarly has a shredded cabbage base. As meat, shrimp and mochi can all be served atop of it, okonomiyaki has also often been compared to an omelet or pizza as well as a pancake.

3. Tapioca – Brazil

Made out of starch from the cassava plant, tapioca is a staple in the dies of many throughout Brazil and South America. When fashioned into a flatbread, tapioca can be stuffed with savory fillings or just enjoyed like a pancake with melted butter and shredded coconut being popular toppings.

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Você já deve ter escutado diversas teorias sobre a tapioca, não é mesmo? Como a tapioca é a queridinha das dietas resolvi trazer esse assunto pra você que está passando por um processo de emagrecimento, então vamos lá! . . 🧐Tapioca engorda? Depende… . Não devemos nunca classificar os alimentos individualmente, tudo depende do contexto. Mas deixa eu te explicar um pouco sobre tapioca, ela é um alimento de alto índice glicêmico, por isso não deveria ser consumida de qualquer forma por pessoas que desejam emagrecer. . . Mas como assim? Índice glicêmico, o que é isso? Os alimentos que apresentam alto índice glicêmico estimulam uma maior liberação da insulina (insulina é o hormônio que coloca a glicose pra dentro das células) e ela manda um sinal para o organismo reduzir a “queima de gordura”. . E agora? Estou fazendo tudo errado? Se você não tem qualquer alergia ou intolerância ao glúten e está trocando seu pãozinho francês pela tapioca você está trocando 6 por meia dúzia… sem contar que 3 colheres (sopa) de goma de tapioca equivalem a 1 pão francês 😱🤷🏼‍♀️. . . Mas vamos às dicas: quando a tapioca é consumida misturada com fibras (linhaça e chia, por exemplo) ou com gorduras (coco ralado) ou proteína (ovo, frango, atum) isso reduz seu índice glicêmico e torna o consumo mais interessante quando se deseja reduzir gordura 😉 📌Sugestões: 📎Tapioca feita na proporção: 2 colheres (sopa) goma de tapioca + 1 colher (sopa) de farinha de linhaça ou chia. 📎Crepioca: -1 colher (sopa) de goma de tapioca -1 colher (sopa) creme de ricota ou iogurte natural -1 ovo -1 (chá) farinha de chia Modo de preparo: bata tudo com garfo e coloque na frigideira antiaderente ou na frigideira comum com 1 fio de azeite. Rende 2 unidades. 📎Sugestão de recheio: – frango com cenoura e azeitona – queijo minas frescal, tomates e orégano. #emagrecimento #emagrecimentoconsciente #qualidadevida #nutricaosemterrorismo #nutricaosemneura #comidadeverdade #comacomida #mindfulleating #lowcarb #healthfood #comerconsciente #alimentacaosaudavel #emagrecimentosustentavel #pensemagro #penseleve #equlibrio #autoestima #alemdabalança #dieta #vidasaudavel #tapioca

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4. Apam Balik – Malaysia

Apam balik is scrumptious street food known by a variety of names throughout Southeast Asia. Malaysia’s particularly delightful version of the pancake is soft and fluffy and stuffed with a gorgeously gooey peanut sauce.

5. Poffertjes – the Netherlands

Served with powdered sugar and butter, the small, spongy poffertjes have long been a popular treat in the Netherlands and are perfect to snack on while wandering alongside a canal.

6. Kimchi-jeon – Korea

Primarily made out of sliced kimchi, this spicy, savory pancake has long been a staple of Korean
cuisine. A popular appetizer or snack, kimchi-jeon certainly packs a punch with its fiery flavor.

7. Serabi – Indonesia

Made from rice flour and coconut milk, serabi is usually topped with a sweet sugary syrup, although other countries in Southeast Asia have their own varieties – both Bandung and Solo are renowned for them.

8. Nalesniki – Poland

Both a main dish and dessert (depending on the filling!), nalesniki are somewhat similar in style to French crepes. Whether it is cabbage or minced meat inside or jam and fresh fruit, these Polish pancakes are always a treat.

9. Injera – Ethiopia

The national dish of both Ethiopia and Eritrea, the pancake-shaped injera is typically served with
various types of stews atop of it. Made out of teff flour, it is quite spongy in texture and is a bit
bitter to the taste. As you traditionally tear up other injera to eat the stews, it is remarkably a plate, utensil and food, all rolled into one!

10. Gourrassa – Sudan

Although it is much less famous than injera, Sudanese gourrassa is no less tasty and is served in a similar manner. Thicker in nature than its nearby counterpart, the circular flatbread again has a stew ladled on top of it. The difference being that another gourrassa is placed atop of the stew with another ladleful of sauce being added on top of that!

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Gourrassa Time with good friends

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11. Kaiserschmarrn – Austria

Named after Kaiser Franz Josef I of Austria, this tantalizing dessert is sure to tempt your tastebuds. Traditionally served with a fruit compote, the fluffy, caramelized pancakes are usually split up into bite-sized pieces.

12. Hotcakes – Mexico

Usually made out of cornmeal, Mexican hotcakes are a popular snack, breakfast food and festival treat. In fact, any time you enjoy hotcakes and their alluring toppings is a cause for celebration! Just one of the many incredible eats to be found in Mexico.

13. Chatanmari – Nepal

Although they can now be found on every corner in Kathmandu, chatanmari used to only be served during festivals or on special occasions. Popular as both a snack and appetizer, the rice flour pancake can be enjoyed with a range of savory and sweet toppings.

14. Draniki – Belarus

Made out of grated potatoes that are bound together by an egg, draniki has long been a staple of Belarusian cuisine. The nation’s favorite dish is as hearty as it is wholesome and is sure to warm you up on a cold winter night.

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